Friday, July 23, 2021


Inspiration comes at you from anywhere and everywhere, and when it does, your mind takes full control until you exhaust your creativity. Today was one of those days, and I had a lot of fun doing it.

While on Twitter, I saw a post from someone I follow, the author and director @MatthewACherry reposted a tweet from the official Marvel Studios account about all of Loki episodes being on Diseny+ where he asked #PhotoshopTwitter to make this poster a church fan.

Twitter user and UX/UI Designer @uyendaylin took this image and made a PNG of it to make such endeavors easier and helpful for the community. (seen below)

Now comes the fun part, everything was done in Illustrator on both the PC and multiple apps on my phone, some I like more than others but I'm putting the ones I liked the most up.

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